Our Mission - Nuestra Misión
We invite you to join us as your authentic self. Our studio aims to serve as a sanctuary for people of all backgrounds, whether you’re just beginning your yoga journey or have years of experience. Together, we explore and cultivate a profound love and appreciation for the powerful and transformative practice of yoga.
Te invitamos a unirte a nosotros siendo tu auténtico yo. Nuestro estudio tiene como objetivo ser un santuario para personas de todos los orígenes, ya seas nuevo en el yoga o tengas años de experiencia. Juntos, exploramos y cultivamos un profundo amor y aprecio por la poderosa y transformadora práctica del yoga.

Meet our teachers - Conoce a nuestros profesores

Yoga Teacher

Yoga Teacher

Breathwork/Sound Healing
Words from members of our community
Palabras de los miembros de nuestra comunidad
Britini Port
Shakti Shala is by far the best yoga in Antigua and one of my favorite studios I've ever practiced at in the world.
Ryan Maximilian
I am a beginner to Ashtanga and Yoga in general. The class was very welcoming and Irene did a great job helping me with the postures. Highly recommend!
Claude Ratté
Super studio, super professeures, Ashtangua roots. Dans l’enceinte de Adra Hôtel.
Welcome to Shakti Shala. We hope you feel
at home here
Bienvenidx a Shakti Shala. Esperamos que te
sientas como en casa aquí